Font preloading

To preload font you need a link from which browser will start preloading. Nuxt uses vite under the hood, so we can use its import prefixes to gather correct import link.

import SomeFont from '~/assets/fonts/some-font.woff2?url';

At dev environment vite will return something like this: /src/assets/fonts/some-font.woff2. But at build time, it will add build hash to filename and put it in assets folder, it will look something like this: /_nuxt/some-font.6bde7bbf.woff2

The easiest way to add tags to head in nuxt is to use useHead composable. But it also will add some js to the client bundle. And current workaround is to wrap it into some static statement which rollup will delete. For this reason we will use process.server. One catch here is that fonts requires cors to start preloading

Note: font and fetch preloading requires the crossorigin attribute to be set; see CORS-enabled fetches below. - Quote from mdn

Sooooooo, the link tag should look something like this:

<link rel="preload" href="link-to-some-font" crossorigin="" as="font" type="font/woff2" />

Moving this to useHead will result in:

link: [
rel: 'preload',
href: 'link-to-some-font',
crossorigin: '',
as: 'font',
type: 'font/woff2',

Usage ?

I prefer to put this preloading link into main file of the app, in nuxt app.vue (nuxt.config.ts does not support ~ aliases as well as import prefixes). Then wrap it in process.server and put in correct font link. So the result will look something like this:

<script setup lang="ts">
import SomeFontUrl from '~/assets/fonts/some-font.woff2?url'
if (process.server) {
link: [
rel: 'preload',
href: SomeFontUrl,
crossorigin: '',
as: 'font',
type: 'font/woff2',

CLS Bonus

Too reduce CLS in pagespeed @danielroe created great package called fontaine. And of course there are nuxt module to integrate it into nuxt app - @nuxtjs/fontaine

If it works correctly, you should see in head of your html page, style tag with something like this:

@font-face {
font-family: "Some font override";
src: local("BlinkMacSystemFont"),
local("Segoe UI"),
local("Helvetica Neue"),
local("Noto Sans");
ascent-override: 80%;
descent-override: 16.7%;
line-gap-override: 0%;

But if there are an empty style tag, that means that you should add hint for fontaine to create fallback fonts.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
// ... config
modules: [
// ... more modules
// ... even more config
fontMetrics: {
fonts: [
// in my case src was relative to public folder
{ family: 'Some font', src: '/fonts/some-font.woff2' },

Hope it helps 👍 see you soon, i guess…